
Playbook is used by clients to outsource digital privacy operations to Deloitte.

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Teams collaborate with privacy experts on the platform towards sustainable privacy compliance.

Privacy consultant delivers services over Playbook OS
The challenge

The challenge in data privacy compliance is a high workload due to a multitude of operational data privacy tasks, lack of expertise, process experience and standards, and insufficient sustainability. Many knowledge holders, decision makers, and external stakeholders must be involved in the tasks, everything must be documented properly and provably, and this must be done at high speed so that data privacy does not become a bottleneck and a stumbling block for innovation projects and progress.

The solution

Deloitte clients use Playbook to automate their data privacy workflows, involve Deloitte consultants in completing operational data privacy tasks, and collaborate and communicate with all internal and external stakeholders along the way to get the job done in one place.

Using Playbook, clients draw on Deloitte's expertise in data protection via pre-made workflows and digital templates, incorporate external resources via modular roles and permissions, and create speed and efficiency via simple and user-friendly collaboration on the spot.

The result heading

Employees experience their privacy tasks in a completely new way. With Playbook, their work becomes much easier, they are more engaged, and the completion of their tasks becomes more compliant. Thanks to Playbook, companies can better and more efficiently organize their resources, eliminate risks, and ensure the sustainability required for continued accountability in privacy.

Playbook icon

Solve any operational challenge with Playbook.

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